Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Quality Special Education For The Deaf and the Blind Children

Quality awareness for special education for the deaf and blind children should be on constant scrutiny to educational bodies and institutions so that these kids can be assured of getting the right learning for their almost independent growth. These kids have a different way of learning because of their physical limitations but their education should not be substandard or less impressive than what common schooling could offer.
Special education for these children should be given in quality instructions and caring educators who can have the skills and knowledge on how to teach these kids in a way that can get around either of their auditory or visual physical limits. Braille reading skills, sign language, and creative learning are keys of quality educators in teaching these kids some of the lessons they have to know and understand.
Some of these children are often gifted in some ways and their educators should cultivate their individual and signature talents to boost the child's esteem and confidence. For example, a child may be blind but he can be a piano prodigy because of his superior auditory skills. Some children often develop higher sensory perception in their other functioning faculties because their body adjust their sensory functions to compensate for their lack of sight, hearing, or speech.
Putting this children in public educational institution can be harmful in their psychological and social capacities as they can be isolated or have special considerations that might upset others who cannot understand their condition. This can lead to bullying and general hostility from the other students who have no physical liabilities. That is why it is recommended for the deaf and the blind to have a special education in an institution or be home schooled by special educators. Ironically, back in 1975's All Handicapped Children Act mandated a fair and equal opportunity for the special able kids to have education and special services in any local educational institution. And yet, about 85% of these special kids are still being educated separately from the other common population.
Sadly, state education boards are not prioritizing these set of special students due to the minority of their population against the whole public schooling. An expert told that educational practices should be invented to help build quality in special education so that special able kids can have better chances of future employment and semi-independence.
The lesser focus of the state government in managing the educational systems for the special able kids can be disheartening to most of their parents. That is why most of these folks tend to home-school their kids to at least give them some leverage in learning about the world and what it has to offer. It is quite hard for parents to watch helplessly as their kid wallow in a enclosed world where he cannot function socially as a normal child.
But studies are being compiled to be able to appeal to the state educational regulators to consider having a quality-assured practices in special education. Special able kids can be limited in their physical attributes, but their minds can have the learning capacity that most of kids in school can. This is an issue that should involve the parents, educational board, and the schools.
Nancy D. Smith enjoys writing educational materials like lsat prep [] and test prep [] and other related fields.

Education and the Learning Revolution

It sometimes seems to be the case that education in the UK often becomes a bit of a political football - so much so that there is a danger that we lose the essence of what learning is all about.
Many commentators have spoken of the need for not simply educational reform but for educational revolution.
In the 1980's  the authors  Dryden and Vos made the observation that we were teaching young people to face a future in which they will have to solve problems that we do not know will be problems yet,  with technologies that do not exist yet and undertake roles and jobs which we have no concept of - yet.
A few years ago a presentation called SHIFT HAPPENS highlighted some of the ways in which change is happening exponentially - what we know, what we think we know - what we understand, what we think we understand - is all in a state of flux. In short technological and scientific developments are redefining the skills that we will need to engage fully in our futures.
As technology and scientific discoveries shape and mold our understanding of the world they bring with them new and different moral and ethical questions which will need to be addressed.
The real question is whether or not our current education systems, which Sir Ken Robinson maintains stifles creativity and are really 'one long university application process', can meet the challenge of the future.
For the most part education systems are linear, attempting to homogenize learning experiences by creating academic targets that are based upon chronological age and not social-emotional-intellectual readiness. At the same time teachers are being presented with a host of  'learning initiatives' that are often little more than coverings for a crumbling system;  hence they are met with cynicism promoting a real lack of joined-up thinking.
This is not about the teachers and the quality of their work. It is more about the structures within which they are working or are expected to work.
Talk to teachers about teaching and learning and one of their first observations will be about the 'crowded curriculum' followed by a disheartening reflection that "admin work" is taking them away from the process of engaging with young people in learning challenges and conversations.
At the start of this academic term I was invited to talk to a group of parents and eager Year 10 students about the 'fresh start' they could make on their chosen examination subjects. The focus of my talk was about being emotionally engaged, and therefore, motivated by their own learning.  All went well and my presentation was well received, but perhaps would have been so much more 'real' if had not been preceded by a senior member of staff in the school talking about 'target levels',  'projected' and 'expected' grades and the need to ensure that grades were in need of constant improvement in order to ensure that colleges of further and higher education looked favourably on future applications.
Surely there are several questions here...
The first is the motivational nature of  'targets' in the first place. There is a world of difference between having targets 'imposed' and having targets developing from personal goals and interests.
Secondly is the assumption that further or higher academic education, based upon GCSE or A level grades, is the right path for all.
So much for personalised learning!
Of course a cynic could say that the subtext for such targets, and the striving for 'good grades' is not about the education of our young people, but about the political hoops that need to be jumped through in order to be recognised as a 'good' school or 'excellent teacher'.
Many of those working at the 'chalk face' are aware of the tension that can exist between 'teaching and learning', as a philosophical ideal, and 'education' as a political agenda where funding and performance are so often linked.
Any Education Authority, School or Teacher daring to take revolutionary view of teaching and learning, must not only face the challenges dictated by central government, where academic progress (i.e. examination performance) is 'king', but also the perceptions of parents who cling to more traditional approaches to teaching and learning with the honest intention of wanting their children to 'do the best they can'.
The truth of the matter is that, in terms of subject knowledge and personal skills, what was valuable in the past may not be that relevant in the future.
In essence, perhaps, there are only four key skill areas in which revolutionary educators need to focus.
1) The Ability to Access and Assess Information
2) The Ability o Communicate Effectively in a Variety of Ways
3) The Ability to Manage and Lead Self
4) The Ability to Manage Chang
Each of these areas have within them other, more generic skills, and the issue is that all can be developed within the framework of a curriculum that is not necessarily divided by 'subjects' but linked through 'context'.
I heard Richard Dawkins comment recently on the decline in the standards of scientific literacy in our society, and the fact that science itself may have been marginalised by a more egalitarian education system wherein personal opinion was perhaps more valued than collective understanding based upon empiricism and reasoned argument.
In many respects I echo this sentiment.
We need to address deficits in critical thinking and encourage the fundamental question 'how do we know'?
But this cannot be done at the expense of creativity and personal expression.
Artists do not have the monopoly on creativity and personal expression in the same way that scientists do not have the sole rights to analysis and rationality.
The Learning Revolution, the one that has stalled several times, demands that young people are asked questions about what they THINK and how the FEEL in equal measure - and be given the skills to REFLECT upon those questions.
It insists upon encouraging young people to identify their TALENTS and their PASSIONS, which may have little to do with university entrance or academic results.
It requires parents, teachers and politicians to recognise that the skills and knowledge that served them for the NOW may not be the same as those demanded by a society of the FUTURE
"A student can win twelve letters at a university without learning how to write one" - Robert Maynard Hutchins
Dr Alan Jones in an NLP Trainer, Motivational Speaker and Educational Coach who has worked with a wide range of clients including international organisations, education authorities, professional training providers and individuals. He is an Accredited de Bono Thinking Skills Consultant.
His colleagues recognise not only his particular skills as a trainer and presenter but also his eclectic interests. He is a magician (Member of the Magic Circle), mentalist, writer and broadcaster.
His 'pet' personal projects are Magic 4 Learning (teaching personal and learning skills through magic and conjuring); The Rational Mystic (bringing skepticism, mysticism and critical thinking together); EQUALISE (a Peer Mentoring project based upon key aspects of Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Literacy) and Mind Alignment/Achieve! - a project built upon NLP principles, aspects of Transpersonal Psychology and Emotional Intelligence which aims to inspire, motivate and encourage personal change.

Why Not Sell Science Fiction Books That Have Ceased To Interest You

When people become involved with science fiction books they tend to enjoy not just the stories but they also love communicating with others that share a passion for such written material. This in turn makes them want to collect and perhaps even sell memorabilia related to futuristic stories events and things. The characters around which these stories and the plots of the stories help to encourage others to create memorabilia items that highlight the best of the character and plot of such books.
There are many people who would like to sell memorabilia related to science fiction books. If you are also interested in joining the community of sellers there are some questions that you should ask yourself before becoming involved in the sale of such items.
It is important that you have a passion for such items and in addition you must also be keen on collecting the best such items. As a collector of such memorabilia you might find that after some time that you do not wish to hold on to this or that item. In such an instance it might be a good idea for you to sell off the unwanted item.
Once you have decided that you want to sell off an item or two your next step is to decide on the avenues available to you to sell the item. In addition, you will need to find a market or some buyers that are interested in purchasing science fiction books.
The good news is that there are plenty of opportunities available that will ensure that you succeed in making contact with buyers. However, you must still make an effort to explore as many avenues as you can as this will help you find more people who wish to buy what you are selling.
After finding a market for your items it is important that you price the product correctly. In order to find a proper price for your books you will need to consult a guide or other such book.
You must also understand that even if a particular published work is very important to you, it may not have the same significance for the buyer. This means that you will need to price the product according to what the market (or buyer) accepts and not according to the value you put on the book. So, be as objective about pricing the product as you can as this will help you to sell the book with minimum fuss or bother.
Online auction are a good place to sell science fiction books. There are other auction sites as well that are worth checking out. Be sure to provide a lowest acceptable price and also set your own reserve price below which you are not willing to sell the books. This will help guarantee that you will at least make some money for your efforts and for the book.
If you want to set a fixed price then you should think about advertising your product in a paper and you can also sell science fiction books at conventions on the subject. However, at a convention there may be some competition for these books because others might also be selling their books there.
Digital Science Fiction is a quarterly anthology of compelling science fiction books from professional writers. Our science fiction anthologies are published through a variety of popular eBook formats and in regular print. Digital Science Fiction is directed towards a mature readership.

Wonders of Modern Science

We live in the age of science. The role of science cannot be described in a word. We can see the wonders of science around us. It has made our life easy and comfortable. We cannot think of our modern life without science.
Such an example of modern science is Internet Modem (Modulator Demodulator). It's a great wonders of modern science. It's a special device which connects to a computer and allows the device to connect to the internet. Being the inhabitant of this remote area it's a dream for most of the people to get the broadband internet. But modem has made it possible to get connected with the whole world!
Due to the blessing of modern science various mobile phone companies are now providing this wireless internet service at a specific rate all over our country. Thus they have already made 80% people connected with each other. People are running to the cyber cafe with this mobile internet or Modem. Now students from any remote area can get their examination result from internet as well as can share their joys and sorrows all over the world. Now we can talk free with the help of Skype, Google talk etc to the other countries with the help of internet. Modem becomes very popular among all the people.
Again WiMAX (Worldwide Inter Operability for Microwave Access) is a technology of 4th generation which is conducted by 300 operators in 110 countries. If WiMAX becomes available in developing countries then farmers from any remote area to service holders, students will be connected with the whole country as well as whole world also. If we add a special device with our computer and there is a WiMAX BTS tower then any one can get connected with WiMAX. Monthly charge is 10 US $ for 12 hours. Its speed will be 128 kbps. We will also get other advantages from WiMAX such as- IP phone service( for unlimited call), Vehicle's situation detecting system, IP multimedia sub-system, IP TV, WiMAX radio, Cable TV channel, Live TV, Time shifted TV, Corporate IP PBX, ATM connection, POS etc.
So, life and science are interconnected with each other. Due to the blessing of science our life become more easy, beautiful and also dynamic. New discoveries of science gave a new dimension in our life. It is impossible to pass a single moment without science in this changing world.
But now-a-days we can see that modern scientific inventions are confined to a specific region or country. For this reason poor countries are becoming poorer and rich countries are becoming richer. Developing countries are always depriving of using the modern scientific equipments and technology. It can never make a better world. When science will reach to the door to door of all kinds of people, it would be more equitable and sustainable for them.

How to Successfully Use Procurement Technology

The use of technology to make decisions that relate to procurement must be complemented with human rationale. It is vital that procurement professionals focus on the process both before and after the award of a contract, and not just on the tendering process. Before IT departments go to the market shopping for procurement technology, they should receive feedback and support from the procurement department in preparing their written requirements. Time and important soft skills need to be invested in this process to guarantee positive results.
Soft Skills & Technology
When mixing procurement technology with soft skills, it is important to get the basics right. This requires:
  • A Common Operating Model - While it may seem tedious, moving to a form of automation is really worthwhile. This is because it will prove more cost-effective to run a business with a common operating model, rather than design your technology around different variables. It is important to keep regional differences as slim as possible.
  • Understand Your Spending - It is impossible for a procurement team to successfully operate without fully grasping their spending. Every enterprise needs to embrace technology that can help them understand their expenditure, such that the human element of the procurement team is able to use this to make informed decisions.
  • Segmented Supplier Base - Invest in procurement technology as a way of segmenting your supplier base, such that they receive varying treatment that is dependent on their segment.
  • Training - In order to help your employees to grasp the basics of procurement, it is important to offer a technology training program. This may include certain basics such as not revealing to the supplier what the company's budget is.
  • Supplier Performance Management Program - Many organizations manage their employees' performance. It is beneficial to also do this with your suppliers using procurement technology. For instance, host an annual conference where suppliers come to meet you executive team, thereby providing you with critical supplier feedback.
During the post-contract which occurs at the end of the process, it is important for procurement professionals to seek the very last drop of value they can get out of a contract. It is at this juncture that suppliers tend to get smarter as they realize that procurement teams have their processes for tendering and sourcing really tied together. Therefore, it is important for procurement professionals to ascertain that they are able to run operations smartly at both ends.
Scott Laxton is a Senior Consultant at GEP that is a leading procurement services company offering a unique blend of consulting, procurement technology and outsourcing. A detailed business information is worth reading at the GEP's website.

Key Drivers of Future Procurement Technology

With continued economic turmoil keeping the focus on procurement, newer technologies are continuously being sought to ensure the delivery of great savings and reduction of costs. Below is a look at some of the future drivers of technology in procurement.
Intelligent Reporting
Procurement technology of the future is set to shift its focus towards reporting that is more accurate. This will drive better business agility, as they become more responsive and predictive so as to allow for the reduction of costs.
Mobile Procurement
Procurement systems are set to break out of the desktop PC/ large application model, thereby becoming more mobile. This will apply both for the search-order-approve cycle, as well as the analytics on-the-go.
Secure Cloud Technology
Security will become of paramount importance to procurement systems. This will especially apply to cloud based providers who will need to demonstrate that their solutions are just as secure as the traditional on-premises implementations.
Accuracy of Data
Increasingly, data will be recognized as a key enabler of procurement technology, and not just its output. Procurement functions will be out seeking solutions for the identification of ways to deliver their savings targets. And the only way in which they will be able to achieve this is through accurate supplier data that they will have normalized across the supply chain.
Social Procurement
Driving improved purchasing through buyer interconnectedness is set to increase even more in coming years. This will involve the harnessing of cloud architecture with the knowledge of past purchases thereby allowing for the formation of connections. In this way, efficiencies will also be created in purchasing between and within organizations.
Death of Procurement!
Although not quite - what experts predict to be the "death of procurement" is a situation that results as a natural consequence of active spend management. Here, technology and tools become so easy to use and procurement best practice is embedded within the organization so much that it practically runs itself.
Organizational Change
Procurement technology offers the possibility for businesses to shift from legacy processes through gradual change. The good news is that leading technology providers are set to offer solutions that are even easier to use, thereby enabling enterprises to easily drive change in practice.
The future of procurement technology is also looking bright with the introduction of reporting tools and unified data sets that are increasingly sophisticated, both between and within organizations and sectors. This will in turn drive intelligent spend data management and forecasting.
Scott Laxton is a Senior Consultant at GEP that is a leading procurement services company offering a unique blend of consulting, procurement technology and outsourcing. A detailed business information is worth reading at the GEP's website.